Today’s weather was perfect for listening to the La La Land soundtrack.  After a cold March and a weekend of clouds and rain, the sun finally came out in full spring fashion. Birds were singing, kids were playing outside without coats -shedding that winter layer that’s been needed since October, smelling of dirt and fresh air as they came in from recess.

I drove home with my sunroof propped open and my radio turned up. Even the DJs were inspired, playing  Bob Marley like we were all hanging out at the beach.  These are the days we dream of in the cold, dark, blustery moments of winter.  And they are so good for the soul.

You don’t realize how much you need these days until they actually happen. That warmth of the sun, the promise of a dream fulfilled.  Tomorrow it may turn cloudy and a bit colder, but I am ready. I am armed with a fresh dose of Vitamin D and the knowledge that this is only the beginning of “another day of sun”.  (Check out the song here:  Another Day of Sun )